In order to make TVia more effective and useful for all its readers there are several things that you, its readers can do. First and foremost of course is to continue to send in stories, articles, true experiences etc--things of the type that you would like to read about others. Secondly, I would like. some help from you to help others in the way of ad- vertisers. I know people in L.A. whose ads appear in the magazine but I have no way of contacting or knowing about people in N. Y., Chicago, Miami, Minn- eapolis, Detroit etc. Advertising rates are $30 per page, $15 per half and $8 per quarter page per issue. You could be of big help to other sisters in your area if you would speak to wig shops, electrologists, mail order show outlets dealing in large sizes, opt- icians, dress shops, corsetiers, etc. whom you know to be understanding, helpful and willing to do busi- ness with TVs. If you can get them to take an ad it will be a real service to others.
While it would not be desireable or ethical to list professional people--doctors and lawyers who are understanding and helpful, it would be very help- ful if you would send me the names of such people with their addresses and phone numbers so that I can compile a list. I am always being asked for such persons in other areas and have noone to recommend. I'd like you to send the information on a 3 x 5 card or paper cut to that size so that I can just pop it into such a file for handy reference.
I try to make this your magazine and try to put in something for everybody because all readers tastes are not alike. In this light I always welcome sug- gestions for the improvement of TVia although I can- not always actually carry out some of the ideas sub- mitted for various reasons. But contribute and part- icipate and the 9th year of publication will be even better than the 8th.